Recommendations for your Lake Tahoe Massage

There’s been a few things that I’ve noticed this summer that I thought I would address that pertain to massage. 

1.  Not a good idea to come in with a sun burn.  I won’t massage  someone who has a sun burn unless it is limited to an area that I can avoid.  It may not seem that hot on some days but the sun is very intense here at Tahoe and it’s easy to burn, so always put on your sunscreen before you go outside.

2.  Tahoe is a great place to party, please limit your alcohol intake the night before you come in for your massage and drink lots of water. Massage is pushing toxins from your muscles into the blood, so if you’ve had too much the night before chances are it’s still in your system and massage is not going to make you feel better. If you’ve been drinking the same day as your massage I will have to reschedule your massage for another day.  Massage increases blood flow therefore drinking is a contraindication.

3. During the summer Tahoe has a lot of road construction, please be prepared and leave a little bit early.  If you are going to be late just give me a call and let me know.

4. When calling to book an appointment if you’re not able to book online please know that I will call you back as soon as I can.  Unfortunately sometimes I go to areas that don’t have cell service and if I have a few clients at that location it may take me a couple of hours to get back to you.  Don’t worry my online schedule is always updated so I won’t miss any appointments.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer here in Lake Tahoe, I look forward to seeing you for your next massage.



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